Jianfeng Wang




👋 I am a senior software engineer at Oracle Corp @ Redwood. I work on Linux core kernel, develop kernel diagnosis tools, and write Linux blogs.

I got my ECE Ph.D. from University of Southern California, advised by Ramesh Govindan and Barath Raghavan in Networked System Lab. My Ph.D. dissertation is about designing OS-level supports to achieve high-performance, scalable, and efficient cloud services. Prior to that, I spent four wonderful years at Peking University, graduating with B.S. degree in EECS and B.A. degree in Economics.

Work Experience

Founding Staff Engineer (2022 - 2023)
INVISV Inc., Los Angeles, CA.

Graduate Research Assistant (2017 - 2023)
Department of Computer Science, University of Southern California.

Research Intern, Google NetInfra (May 2020 - Aug 2020)
Google Inc., New York City, NY.

SWE Intern, Chromium Net Stack (May 2019 - Aug 2019)
Google Inc., Seattle, WA.

Upstream Patchsets

  • trace-cmd report: Print function retval in function_graph
    :gear: Support printing function return values in trace-cmd.
  • slub: introduce count_partial_free_approx()
    :gear: Fix a crash case for /proc/slabinfo.
  • tcp: apply a floor of 1 for RTT samples from TCP timestamps
    :gear: A (magical) patch that improves TCP throughput by 10Gbps in GCP.

  • Publications

    I work on high-throughput and low-latency computing systems.

    Performant, Scalable, and Efficient Deployment of Network Function Virtualization
    Jianfeng Wang
    PhD Dissertation, 2023

  • Optimizing Traffic in Public-Facing Data Centers
    Sen Lin, Jianfeng Wang, and Aleksandar Kuzmanovic
    In ICNP '24: IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, October 2024
    :bulb: Enable network scheduling on public-facing traffic on top of existing network protocols.
  • Optimizing Traffic in Public-Facing Data Centers Amid Internet Protocols
    Sen Lin, Jianfeng Wang, and Aleksandar Kuzmanovic
    In NSDI '24: USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation, April 2024
    :bulb: Schedule data packets over public network to improve flow-completion time.
  • Methods and Systems for Efficient and Secure Network Function Execution
    Barath Raghavan, Ramesh Govindan, Zhuojin Li, and Jianfeng Wang
    US Patent App. 18/082,873, 2023
    :bulb: Design of a cloud platform for supporting secure and efficient NFV.
  • ePipe: Multi-Party Trust Interposition for Network Stacks
    Jianfeng Wang, Rob McGuinness, Grace Susanto, Kyle MacMillan, Max Bittman, Barath Raghavan, and Paul Schmitt
    Under submission
    :bulb: Architecture/mechanisms for ensuring metadata level privacy for web browsing and more.
  • Scheduling Network Function Chains Under Sub-Millisecond Latency SLOs
    Jianfeng Wang, Siddhant Gupta, Marcos A. M. Vieira, Barath Raghavan, and Ramesh Govindan
    In arXiv:2305.01890, May 2023
    :bulb: Providing untra-low latency for NFV in cluster.
  • Pinolo: Detecting Logical Bugs in Database Management Systems with Approximate Query Synthesis
    Zongyin Hao, Quanfeng Huang, Chengpeng Wang, Jianfeng Wang, Yushan Zhang, Rongxin Wu, and Charles Zhang
    In ATC ’23: USENIX Annual Technical Conference, July 2023
    :bulb: Finding critical bugs in widely-used database management systems.
  • Quadrant: A Cloud-Deployable NF Virtualization Platform
    Jianfeng Wang, Tamás Lévai, Zhuojin Li, and Marcos A. M. Vieira, Ramesh Govindan, Barath Raghavan
    In SoCC '22: ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, November 2022
    :bulb: Making NFV fast and flexible in the cloud context.
  • Galleon: Reshaping the Square Peg of NFV
    Jianfeng Wang, Tamás Lévai, Zhuojin Li, and Marcos A. M. Vieira, Ramesh Govindan, Barath Raghavan
    In arXiv:2101.06466, January 2021
    :bulb: NFV with lightwight isolation and FaaS-based scaling.
  • Meeting SLOs in Cross-Platform NFV
    Jane Yen*, Jianfeng Wang*, Sucha Supittayapornpong, and Marcos A. M. Vieira, Ramesh Govindan, Barath Raghavan
    In CoNEXT '20: International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies, December 2020
    :bulb: Offloading NFV automatically to Smart NICs, OpenFlow and P4 switches to hit NFV SLOs.
  • (*: co-first author)


    Course: CSCI 402 (Operating Systems), Fall '22 / Spring '23 / Summer '23


    Oracle Building 500
    500 Oracle Pkwy
    Redwood City, CA 94065, USA